Everyone knows you can pair food with beer and of course, that is lovely. But with the lockdown, you can’t go out to a fancy restaurant with (beer)friends and have a nice beer pairing dinner. So we need to find something else and with the holidays coming up, you might want to pair your beer with… holiday movies! And of course, that beer-and-movie pairing will be paired with the perfect snack.
F*ck the christmas tree is on fire! (F*ck de kerstboom staat in de fik!)
A beer that makes its comeback every year is F*ck the christmas tree is on fire!. It’s a milky oatmeal stout with roasted coffee beans and orange zest, with an alcohol percentage of a whopping 10%.
This beer is perfect to warm up with by the fireplace and watch a Christmas movie with the family. A perfect movie with the beer is the classic Christmas Carol. The beer warms your throat, while the movie warms your heart. Scrooch is slowly becoming a nicer man, and you are slowly becoming more drunk. That’s fitting, right?
The snack that would be great with this would be chocolate fondue, preferably with some fruit, maybe orange, with it. Hot chocolate (not as a drink, just plain hot chocolate) is perfect with a beer that has chocolate tones.
The Greench Stole X-Mas
Not long from now, on december 16th, a new Fresh & Fast beer will be launched: The Greench Stole X-Mas. It’s an American Ale that is really ‘clean’, with no extra stuff added. It’s 7,8% and the malts and hops are to be announced.
You can probably guess what movie you can pair this ale with. Exactly. How the Grinch stole Christmas. A classic, if you ask me! Curl up on the couch with this American ale, that mean one Mr. Greench (or Grinch?) and, as a snack, some casual salt pretzels. Nothing too fancy, nothing too weird, like the beer, the movie and the snack, keeping it simple and classic.
The Goodfeathers
Not a very Christmas-like movie, but when you want to escape from the holiday madness and try something entirely different, Goodfeathers might be the beer for you. After El Patron, El Chapo, Owl Capone and Don Perignon, Uiltje combines them in Goodfeathers, a brut IPA (so more of a champagne-like beer) with an alcohol percentage of 8%. Because it has a bubbly character, you might want to watch it on new year’s eve with the movie New Year’s Eve! The movie has a little bit of a ‘Love Actually’ vibe, so is great to watch with your significant other. And of course, you can’t forget the deep-fried doughnuts we Dutchies call ‘oliebollen’.
Apfelstrudel Doppelbock
Another heavy one that is pretty easy to get: The Apfelstrudel Doppelbock. It’s a sweet bock beer with an alcoholpercentage of 11%, so a great way to end your evening with. Made with rolled oats and a lot of different kinds of malt, this beer is a little pastry-like.
The holiday-movie you can pair this beauty with: The Holiday! A movie about two women who switch houses around the holidays, meet new people and try out each others lives on Christmas.
And of course, you have to pair this beer with apfelstrudel. If you can’t make that or don’t have the time, a warm apple pie will do just fine.
Enjoy your holidays everyone!