Double NEIPA


We brewed this beer with high hopes, then we canned it.


Dit bier is helaas uitverkocht en zal (binnenkort) niet meer gebrouwen worden. Zoek je bieren die wel op voorraad zijn? Klik dan hieronder voor alle beschikbare bieren.

Beschikbare bieren

Bier Specificaties


ABV is de Engelse afkorting voor ‘alcohol by volume’, oftewel ‘alcoholgehalte in volumeprocenten’. Nog makkelijker gemaakt: alcoholpercentage!


IBU staat voor International Bitterness Units.
5 – 20 = Weinig bitter
20 – 30 = Licht bitter
30 – 45 = Bitter
> 45 = Zeer bitter


EBC, of European Brewery Convention voluit is de maat voor de kleur van het bier.
6-9 Bleek / Lichtblond
9-12 Blond / Geel
12-20 Goud
20-30 Amber
30-45 Koper
45-75 Donker koper / Bruin
75-120 Zeer donkerbruin (doorschijnend)
>120 Zwart (niet doorschijnend)


Mout is de basis van ieder bier. Mout is graan dat ontkiemd en daarna gedroogd is. Wij gebruiken vele verschillende soorten mout om body, kleur en smaak aan het bier te geven.

Low Color Pale, Flaked Barley, Cara60 & Flaked Oats

Aaahhh… hop. We zijn er gek op! Hop is een bloem die hoofdzakelijk wordt gebruikt om bier bitter te maken, smaak te geven en/of stabiliteit te geven. In onze bieren voegen de meeste hoppen bloemige en fruitige smaken en aroma’s toe.

Amarillo & Chinook

Kubieke centimeter. Dus hoe groot is de verpakking?

Bier Specificaties

We brewed this beer with high hopes, then we canned it. And sure our Sick Boy is double trouble, but it definitely won’t drag you down socially, sexually or intellectually. Quite the opposite, in fact – it’s a big beer for people looking for life’s big answers. So choose happiness. Choose fun. Choose Amarillo and Chinook. Choose birdwatching. Choose life! Just a very honest, strait-laced NEIPA that lacks nothing in moral fiber.

Choose a supermarket. Choose a big brewery. Choose one that is on sale. Choose a dusty bottle. Choose apps, free glasses, masses, the same thing you always drink. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose something that I already know. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you got Fresh and Fast?

Being delayed a week, the Birdwatching Double NEIPA has woken up from its fermentation trip at Brewer Superior’s house and is roaming the streets, looking to steal your attention and tasting buds for his next hit. With your first sip you will taste soft citrusy tones and yellow fruits such as apricots and peaches. But do not worry. The first sip is free.

Food Pairing

Fancy a bite? With a Double NEIPA you got a lot on your plate, so you gotta have a dish that is up for the task. Make some nice Mexican fajitas to balance out the fattiness of the dish and highlight the bitterness of the beer.

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